
How To Cancel Flydubai Flight Ticket

Flydubai offers its passengers a very flexible and accessible way for booking flights or cancellations. Flydubai provides cancellation and refund policies to provide maximum passenger satisfaction around the world. Canceling Flydubai Airlines flight ticket cancellations is very easy to continue.

Flydubai Airlines Cancellation Policy

You can cancel your ticket online for free according to Flydubai Airlines 24-hour cancellation policy. In case you need to cancel your ticket online within 24 hours of booking, vacation, or booking, we recommend that you complete due diligence with Flydubai Airlines and other US-operated third parties to make sure it's actually covered. . Therefore, if you want to cancel your ticket online, you will have to deal with all of the above.
Passengers are required to provide their lastname and booking reference number to book their flight. Also, passengers should refrain from filling out a refund form in the event of a 24-hour cancellation.

Lets see how to cancel Flight ticket

  • Visit the official Flydubai Airlines website (+971) 600 54 44 45 and click on the 'Flight Status' option under 'Manage Your Booking'.
  • Select the options for Edit Flight from the Ticket Status section.
  • Select the flight you want to change and the origin, destination and time of the flight.
  • Next, choose a new flight.
  • Finally review all the changes and read the terms and conditions.
  • After submitting these details, a pop-up message will prompt you to go through the Flydubai Airlines cancellation process.
  • Verify all details before proceeding.
  • Upon successful ticket cancellation, a confirmation message will be sent to your registered email address.
  • If there is a difference between the two tickets, you must pay the difference.
  • When you click Send Receipt, an email will be sent to you with the difference in the cost of the changed itinerary.
Contact us
  1. UAE. (+971) 600 54 44 45.
  2. Pakistan. 09:00 - 17:30, Mon - Sun. (+92) 21 111 225 539.
  3. Russia. +7 (495) 215 1630.

Flydubai Airlines Refund Policy

Flydubai Airlines ticket refund depends on the location of the reservation and type of ticket you have porchased. Refund requests for cancellations of domestic bookings must be made before the ticket expiration date. Refund requests for international routes must be made 30 days after the ticket expiration date. Passengers can only apply for a refund with Flydubai Airlines in person, as the ticket holder needs additional documents for verification. Flydubai Airlines will charge cancellation fees based on refund requests at the time they are made.
If you are facing a problem with getting your money back from the airline after canceling your flight ticket, you have a question: How do I get a refund from Flydubai? With any Flydubai flight cancellation, you will be offered an alternative flight ticket to your destination lets see the process to get refund.

Way to get refund from fly dubai

  • Visit the Flydubai official website first
  • At the refund request section, you have to enter your last name and the reservation number, and click submit.
  • Then, you will find the reservation info read it and then click on continue.
  • Now, you have to mention the reason for the ticket cancellation.
  • After filling the details in effective manner, click on submit.
  • The next page will show the status of the refund to you.

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